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I Make Excuses - Eating Well

13 Sep 2023 . category: personal . Comments

I make excuses.

For a long time I’ve made so many excuses for why I can’t do X and how hard it would be to do Y, or Z isn’t really sustainable so I better not start..

I want to share same specific excuses that I’ve made over the past few years and hopefully by the end of this, help someone who may be doing the same.

First of all, making excuses is completely a choice. In the moment, it’s easy to identify things that are in the way of your goal or idea. But I recently realized that I’m the one deciding that those things are in the way, and I simply need to decide that nothing is in the way, just do it.

Here’s a few examples of areas that I’ve drastically improved in the last few years by ditching the excuses.

  • Eating well
  • Exercising
  • Career Growth / Motivation
  • Quitting Video Games
  • Quitting Porn

Hopefully this helps someone, and if want to reach out, please do..

I’ll work on write-ups for the rest of the topics if there’s interest..

Eating Well

So I grew up being a wrestler since 1st grade. Obviously that means I grew up knowing how to ‘make weight’ every week, and eventually year-round when I started to travel a lot to wrestle in the off-season. The extent of my knowledge of what I ate was simply “I can only eat 2 honey-buns today instead of 5 because I have to make weight”. I never learned how to lose weight properly or healthily. But I was exercising a lot from practices so I never had a need to. Having wrestled through college and landing my first IT desk job, spending my free time playing video games, I really let myself go. I continued to eat how I always ate growing up, but no longer had any exercise to work it off..

Years of this go by, and I no longer have anything resembling an athletic physique, and continuing to make excuses to justify what I ate. “What if I never get a chance to get Ice Cream from DQ again ever in my life?”… I would literally have thoughts like that to justify things that I ate.

I try not to think about my past when I used to have something resembling discipline to not eat for 4 days just to make weight. Not that this is healthy, but I at least had the discipline to do ‘what needed to be done’ to reach the goal. THAT is what I didn’t want to acknowledge when it came to my diet.

I knew that I had to change. I had tried a bunch of different diets; Atkins, Keto, no sugar, etc… but no matter what I tried I couldn’t stick with it. I would eventually ‘cheat’ on the diet, and then again, and again, until I had phased myself out of taking it seriously and was quickly back to ‘lawless eating’.

An excuse for why this was so hard was “This is how I’ve always eaten, and that can’t be changed,” or “It’ll be too hard, and I have too much else going on that I need to focus on.”.

It was hard at first, but enough was enough for me. Did I want to be a person controlled by my excuses? When would I get tired of daydreaming about what I could look like if only I would eat better?

Well that day finally came, and what has been working for me was surprisingly simple, I only needed to stop making excuses, and finally commit to something that works, is sustainable, doesn’t have a million rules or ‘gotchas’, and something that fits my lifestyle. I saw change immediately, after years of trying / hoping / praying for change.

Change finally came, when I chose it. I chose change over choosing the excuses. It’s amazing to me now how easy it really was for me to do this, even though at the time it seemed impossible. I was so stuck


I can now say “I used to make excuses” and you can too.


The Dufus is an awesome person. He is a daily learner and nerd. A husband, and a father of 2, he likes long walks on the beach, and eating ice cream in his spare time.